Dernières contributions

TypeContributionAuteurRéponsesDernière mis à jour
book pageoletools - python tools to analyze OLE and MS Office files decalage0il y a 3 an 47 semaines
PagePortable ExeFilter decalage0il y a 4 an 13 semaines
StoryAdvanced VBA Macros Attack & Defence - Black Hat Europe 2019 decalage0il y a 4 an 40 semaines
Pageolefile - a Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files decalage24il y a 6 an 1 semaine
StoryAnti-Analysis Tricks in Weaponized RTF decalage0il y a 6 an 33 semaines
StoryTip - How to use pip, git and PyCharm behind a proxy decalage0il y a 6 an 34 semaines
book pageWeaponized PDF - Payload Delivery Format decalage0il y a 6 an 44 semaines
StoryVBA Macros Pest Control - THC 2017 decalage0il y a 7 an 3 semaines
Pageiodeflib - a python library to create, parse and edit IODEF incident reports decalage0il y a 7 an 17 semaines
StoryTip: How to download thousands of MS Office files for testing decalage0il y a 7 an 21 semaines
StoryHow to find data hidden at the end of an OLE file decalage0il y a 7 an 25 semaines
PageMy Python projects decalage0il y a 7 an 28 semaines
PageArticles et présentations à propos de Sécurité Informatique decalage0il y a 7 an 28 semaines
PageTools to extract VBA Macro source code from MS Office Documents decalage0il y a 7 an 32 semaines
PageMalware Search decalage0il y a 7 an 40 semaines
StoryVBA Macro analysis: Beware of the Shift Key! decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
book pageWeaponized MS Office 97-2003 legacy/binary formats (doc, xls, ppt, ...) decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
book pageolevba - a tool to extract VBA Macro source code from MS Office documents (OLE and OpenXML) decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
StoryUnmasking Malfunctioning Malicious Documents decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
StoryTip: how to find malware samples containing specific strings decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
StoryHow to grill Malicious Macros - SSTIC15 decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
Story8KB of malware crammed into a single command line in a macro decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
StoryHow to detect most malicious macros without an antivirus decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
StoryUsing VBA Emulation to Analyze Obfuscated Macros decalage0il y a 7 an 41 semaines
book pageWeaponized File Formats decalage0il y a 8 an 27 semaines