olemeta - a tool to extract all standard properties (metadata) from OLE files such as MS Office

olemeta is a script to parse OLE files such as MS Office documents (e.g. Word, Excel), to extract all standard properties present in the OLE file. It is part of the python-oletools package.


olemeta.py <file>


Checking the malware sample DIAN_caso-5415.doc:

>olemeta.py DIAN_caso-5415.doc

Properties from SummaryInformation stream:
- codepage: 1252
- title: 'Gu\xeda MIPYME para ser emisor electr\xf3nico'
- subject: ''
- author: 'OFEyDV'
- keywords: ''
- comments: ''
- template: 'Normal.dotm'
- last_saved_by: 'clein'
- revision_number: '13'
- total_edit_time: 4800L
- last_printed: datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 7, 14, 4)
- create_time: datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 30, 14, 18)
- last_saved_time: datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 14, 12, 45)
- num_pages: 7
- num_words: 269
- num_chars: 1485
- thumbnail: None
- creating_application: 'Microsoft Office Word'
- security: 0

Properties from DocumentSummaryInformation stream:
- codepage_doc: 1252
- category: None
- presentation_target: None
- bytes: None
- lines: 12
- paragraphs: 3
- slides: None
- notes: None
- hidden_slides: None
- mm_clips: None
- scale_crop: False
- heading_pairs: None
- titles_of_parts: None
- manager: None
- company: 'Servicio de Impuestos Internos'
- links_dirty: False
- chars_with_spaces: 1751
- unused: None
- shared_doc: False
- link_base: None
- hlinks: None
- hlinks_changed: False
- version: 786432
- dig_sig: None
- content_type: None
- content_status: None
- language: None
- doc_version: None

How to use olemeta in Python applications